Types of fostering
This is a full-time fostering scheme for children from birth to 18 years.
In this scheme, a weekly fee is paid to each carer to recognise the skills they have and the work they do. Foster carers receive this in addition to the allowances paid for each child placed with them.
Short breaks scheme
This is a respite and part-time fostering scheme which includes 3 components:
- part-time fostering, which is caring for children in your own home to give parents a break
- respite care to full-time foster carers
- respite care to children with disabilities
The time spent caring will vary depending on the needs of the child and family. It could be one weekend a month, one evening a week, or daytime during school holidays.
The arrangements for this scheme could last for as little as a few months to up to a few years. The average is somewhere in between.
Permanent fostering
Some children may need to be looked after permanently (until adulthood) without being legally adopted.
This may be because they are unable to live with their birth family for practical reasons but wish to remain in close contact with their parents. In this case, we would look for permanent foster care.
Parent and child fostering
Parent and child foster carers provide a family environment of support and nurture for a young parent and their child. Parent and child foster carers help young parents to develop confidence in their parenting skills in a safe environment.
Parent and child foster carers are paid a weekly fee and allowance dependent on the legal status of the child and the parent.
'Fostering has definitely kept us young! It’s so enjoyable and you learn as much from the children you’re fostering as they do from you. Several of my previous foster children still come back to me for help or advice – it’s really rewarding to know they will still turn to me and I enjoy keeping in touch with them.'